Propósito y descripción general  del curso

The English language course for Escuelas Normales is designed to develop students ‘ability to communicate effectively in English in contexts that will be important for them. As future teachers in a society where English is increasingly important for engaging successfully with professional and social activities. It is essential that all students develop a good level of proficiency in English. English is growing in importance for accessing information, making useful contacts, understanding other culture and participating in cultural activities. As UNESCO has said: Linguistic competencies are fundamental for the empowerment of the individual in democratic and plural societies, as they condition school achievement, promote access to other cultures and encourage openness to cultural exchange. English is particularly important for students because of its role in multinational communicative settings.

From 2018 onwards, the English language course becomes part of the curricular map in every undergraduate program at Teacher Training Schools.

Competencias del perfil de egreso a las que contribuye el curso

Generic competences

 Use critical and creative thought for solving problems and taking decisions

 Learn in an autonomous way and demonstrate initiative for self-regulation and strengthen her/his personal development.

 Cooperate to bring about innovative projects having social impact.

 Act with in an ethical way, by interiorizing social rules and principles needed for a better coexistence

 Use information and communications technology, as well as other languages, for understanding, explaining and offering alternative solutions to the problems encountered.

Professional competences

 Use the knowledge from the subject and its specific didactic strategies to work with the curricular contents from the Curriculum and Syllabus from Basic Education.

 Plan teaching-learning processes in accordance to current approaches of the disciplinary area, taking into account setting and students features in order to achieve meaningful learning.

 Assess teaching and learning process from her/his students using a formative approach and analyses her/his own professional practice to propose ways to improve it.

 Build collaborative and inclusive learning environments to foster students´ comprehensive development.

 Devise learning and teaching proposals using innovate methodologies and applying new technologies to education.

 Act upon civic, ethic, and legal values and principles inherent to her/his social responsibility as well as her/his professional work, based on pluricultural and humanist views.


Subject-specific competences developed by the course:

 Describe ways of living from different cultures to appreciate their diversity.

 Use language to establish harmonious and responsible relationships when exercising citizenship

 Reflect on one´s own learning process to act consciously in communicative exchanges

 Understand and produce texts to participate in a variety of everyday and concrete situations

 Exchange basic information about personal and professional experiences

 Recognize cultural differences when participating in brief and common exchanges.